Syver's portfolio


Welcome to my porfolio!

Here you can see some of the exciting and creative projects I have worked on as an interaction designer. I am familiar with tools such as Figma, Webflow, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Effects, and Premiere Pro.

I hope you enjoy projects and seeing what I have learned and achieved. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me.

About me

I am an interaction design student who is passionate about creating user-friendly and aesthetic solutions for digital products. I have experience in designing and developing interactive prototypes, user tests, wireframes, and mockups. I also have an interest in frontend development and have learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

I like to explore new technologies and trends, and to learn from other designers and developers. In my portfolio, you can see some of the projects I have worked on. I hope you find them interesting.

Portrait of Syver Giswold, a young man with glasses and a grey sweater

Contact info

Thank you for visiting my portfolio. I hope you enjoyed looking at my work and skills.

If you would like to talk to me, you are most welcome. Just feel free to contact me.

  • Cell971 04 751
  • LocationSande i Vestfold